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Category of Books  
Sub Category of Stories of Inspiration
Hard and Soft
Paperback and Ebook
Show all > Books > Stories of Inspiration > Hard and Soft > Look Up for Yes

Look Up for Yes
A true story of unbelievable courage and persistence, Look Up for Yes charts Tavalaro's journey since she woke from a coma (the aftermath of two strokes), paralyzed from the neck down. Declared a "vegetable" by unfeeling nurses and insensitive attendants, she remained cognizant of her surroundings through six years of frustration, humiliation, and rage, until in 1973 a speech therapist realized her ability to comprehend, which marked a new beginning for Tavalaro. Her communication started with looking up to mean "yes" and straight ahead to mean "no," progressed to using a pointer and letter board to spell words letter by letter, and now involves a computer. She drives an electric wheelchair with a switch she presses with her chin, and she plans to move from her hospital setting to independent living in quarters specially designed for the disabled.

$21.25 / Unit

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  • inspiring
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