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Category of Books  
Sub Category of Stories of Inspiration
Hard and Soft
Paperback and Ebook
Show all > Books > Stories of Inspiration > Hardback > A Stroke of Genius: Messages of Hope
Cedars Group

A Stroke of Genius: Messages of Hope
This book is dynamic and takes you into the mind of a stroke victim. Many times stroke victims cannot relay what they are feeling, but Sandy Simon's been there and tells you what he has experienced and of his constant therapy. He has a gift and knows how to add humor to any situation. This book is a MUST reading. It's captivating as you learn Sandy's struggles and perseverance of going on with life.

$24.95 / Unit

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  • captivating
  • insightful
  • Also Available
    Slow Dance: Story of Stroke, Love...
    Conquering Stroke: How I Fought My Way Back