Links Directory

Assistive equipment specially designed for the disabled.

Websites with specific information for people with disabilities.

Federal and state websites with content for the disabled.

Non-organization and personal websites.

This category has websites with stroke related content. It also has several subcategories.

Websites owned by The Stroke Network.
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Total: 19  Displaying: 16 - 19  Pages: <  1 2
The Independent Living Institute offers resources for persons with extensive disabilities and develops consumer-driven policies for self-determination, self-respect and dignity
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Full Details  | Visit  | Review  | Rate (0)  | 2004/09/17  | 939 hits  no rating Report Broken Tell Friend
The Invisible Disabilities Advocate was designed to help friends and family develop a better understanding of disabling illness and injury. IDA provides helpful links to sites and organizations of several diseases, disorders and conditions, as well as a support board.
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Full Details  | Visit  | Review  | Rate (0)  | 2004/09/17  | 1016 hits  no rating Report Broken Tell Friend
As blind people get older, infirmity prevents the safe use of common mobility aids such as long canes and guide dogs. Often this can mean they are confined to bed for their own safety. The resulting sedentary lifestyle results in a rapid deterioration of their physical and mental health.
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Full Details  | Visit  | Review  | Rate (0)  | 2004/09/17  | 1411 hits  no rating Report Broken Tell Friend
Using our powerful search system you will be able to find physicians, dentists, hospitals, health care facilities, suppliers & vendors, associations and organizations,
even if you have only partial or incomplete information.
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Full Details  | Visit  | Review  | Rate (0)  | 2005/04/12  | 1220 hits  no rating Report Broken Tell Friend
Total: 19  Displaying: 16 - 19  Pages: <  1 2