Links Directory

Assistive equipment specially designed for the disabled.

Websites with specific information for people with disabilities.

Federal and state websites with content for the disabled.

Non-organization and personal websites.

This category has websites with stroke related content. It also has several subcategories.

Websites owned by The Stroke Network.
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Top \ Stroke
More than one million Americans have acquired aphasia – a greater number of people than have cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, or muscular dystrophy. Aphasia, which impairs the ability to speak, understand speech, read and/or write, affects about 25 to 40% of stroke survivors. Because of the disconnect between their ability to think and their inability to communicate, people with aphasia often become extremely frustrated, depressed, and isolated.

Submitted by Joan Peters
Tags aphasia · stroke · communication disorder
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Full Details  | Visit  | Review  | Rate (0)  | 2004/12/09  | 1424 hits  no rating Report Broken Tell Friend Map
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