Links Directory

Assistive equipment specially designed for the disabled.

Websites with specific information for people with disabilities.

Federal and state websites with content for the disabled.

Non-organization and personal websites.

This category has websites with stroke related content. It also has several subcategories.

Websites owned by The Stroke Network.
Search Results for: hyperbaric Sort By: Date Name Rating Favorite
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Top \ Assistive Technology
Callisto Medical has the only freestanding hyperbaric chamber in Denver, Colorado. We have worked with clients that have had anything from Autism to Strokes and had tremendous success in increasing their quality of life. In medical journals around the world it has been published that stroke victims have used HBOT to find relief from many chronic problems caused by strokes. HBOT uses increased pressure while breathing 100% oxygen to increase the blood oxygen levels which then delivers more oxygen... [More]
Submitted by Avery Mason
Tags stroke · medical · assistance · care · hyperbaric · oxygen · therapy · mental · health
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Full Details  | Visit  | Review  | Rate (1)  | 2006/01/13  | 1157 hits  Average 5 Rating Report Broken Tell Friend Map
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