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Assistive equipment specially designed for the disabled.

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This category has websites with stroke related content. It also has several subcategories.

Websites owned by The Stroke Network.
Top \ Stroke \ Stroke Repair
Date Monday, September 01, 2008
Contact Moleac 
Tags stroke treatment · stroke recovery
NeuroAiD™ Stroke Treatment Helps Stroke Patients Recover Faster and Resume Normal Life.
Don’t Just Cope…Find Hope. See Real Progress in your Rehabilitation!

The NeuroAiD™ stroke treatment was historically developed in China as a traditional chinese medicine to help stroke patients achieve better rehabilitation at late stage. After 5 years, it is now reaching about 200,000 patients every year in Asia, as well as patients in over 25 countries.
NeuroAiD™ is a natural medicine (capsules) made of 14 components carefully se1ected for their efficacy and absence of side effect.
NeuroAiD™ is to be taken by stroke patients after the stroke for faster and better recovery regaining independence as well as from the loss of motor, cognitive and sensory neurological functions.
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