A very interesting product has come to our attention, the Hemi-Glide. It is designed for those with limited upper extremity use. If you have the problem of an involved arm you may want to consider. A therapist was looking for a way that his patients could add exercises directed at strengthening their involved arm. 


The hemi-Glide is a 58 inch long pole with a hand grip at one end and a rubber tip at the other. In the middle is a foam-covered sleeve between 2 o-rings. The exerciser moves the sleeve on the pole. The accompanying booklet includes four sets of exercises. The first set is a series of stretches done without the Hemi-Glide. It is recommended that the individual begin with these exercises. The second set is a series of Bilateral Exercises. These are recommended for any strength level, and involve both arms. There are then two additional sets of exercises, Level I and Level II. These are designed for differing strength levels. The idea is to complete all of the exercises in Level I first. When you can complete these without difficulty, progress to Level II. 

More information and pictures of the Hemi-Glide can be found at their web page www.hemi-glide.com 

The makers of the Hemi-Glide are offering a 20% discount to the readers of this Newsletter. Just type the words “Stroke Network” in the Order Comments section on the order form.